Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the use of soft tissue manipulation. It is effective in relieving pain, aid in injury healing, improving circulation, and aid in overall wellness.
* Calm the mind
* Unblock energy flow
* Decrease effects of depression, anxiety and stress
REFLEX EFFECTS (responses mediated by the nervous system)
* Vasodilation of arteries
* Stimulation of peristalsis (aids in digestion)
* Increase or decrease in muscle tone
* Triggers the relaxation response
* Soothing or stimulating effect on muscles
* Stimulates the heart, increases strength and rate of contraction
* Increases efficiency of the immune system
MECHANICAL EFFECTS (responses resulting from direct pressure)
* Increased venous return
* Increased lymphatic flow
* Circulatory effeciency
* Loosening of mucous (respiratory system)
* Breakdown of fibrosis/adhesions
* Stretch to shortened muscles/ loosens muscle fibres
* Increased metabolic rate locally and gaseous exchance
* Stretches scar tissue
* Decreased muscle tone/Increased muscle tone
* Increased range of motion
* Restoration of proper joint mechanics/biomechanics
* Elimination of muscle imbalances
* Strengthen weakened muscles
Massage for Rehabilitation
* Stress reduction
* Postural dysfunctions
* Hyperlordosis
* Hyperkyphosis
* Scoliosis
* Muscle spasms
* Trigger points
* Headaches/Migraines
* Wounds/burns/scars
* Frozen shoulder
* Inflammation
* Whiplash
* Contusions
* Fractures
* Strains/sprains
* Shin splints
* Dislocations
* Degenerative disc disorder
* Asthma
* Emphysema
* Bronchitis
* Iliotibial band syndrome
* Tendonitis
* Plantar fascitis
* Bursitis
* Carpal tunnel syndrome
* Piriformis syndrome
* Thoracic outlet syndrome
* Tempromandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome
* Perpheral nerve lesions
* Bells palsy
* Torticollis
* Constipation
* Dupuytren's contracture
* Lymphatic drainage